Archeology Reports (click on buttons for download)
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Tracing Different Branches of the Upper Emigrant Road Through The Concho Valley and West Texas (pdf)
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Pictograph Analysis Reports (click on buttons for download)
All 57 volumes of the Southwest Federation of Archeological Societies' annual transactions are now available in digital form through the University of North Texas' Portal To Texas History website. It gives you access to hundreds of archeological reports over a 57-year period.
So, if you want to search out something of interest, you can first go to the pdf document and do an Adobe Acrobat search to find it. Then you can go to the website and use their search tool to quickly go to the volume that contains your item of interest. At that point you can download the document to your computer for further reading.
You can go to the UNT portal here:
You can use this shortcut link : PTH - SWFAS TRANSACTIONS
in orderto go directly to the TRANSACTIONS collection, sorted in numerical order, with the INDEX listed last.